Navigation Notes
Where you are, where you are goingCompassRead direction Discuss Error Sources Read and plot a bearing Declination - Angle of difference -Magnetic to True + East -True to Magnetic - E Variation (same but on water) Deviation - Influence of objects nearby Parts - scale, needle, baseplate, houseing
Nav-aid, Grid Sheet
Plot a CourseEstablish bearing - direction to landmark Speed of travel, Use of check points Piloting - Use known landmarks for references -Bearings (direction to landmark) (take a bearing) -Headings (direction boat is pointing) (what is your heading) Follow a Course - Direction you want to go Dead Reckoning - Position figured from speed and time using chart and compass Triangulation - Three bearings, crossing Transits/Navigational or Natural Range - -2 objects in a line, observe relation Track = Actual Distance Off - (Rate and Time) Aiming off -(aim above destination with ferry angle)
Rules of the RoadBoat Traffic, shipping lanes, small boat channels, group tactics, visibility, legal rules of road. As a kayaker, be a defensive driver! Speed made good. Compass heads to magnetic, we use magnetic ring on chart. Longitude lines are oriented true
Chart reading:Distance, direction, depth, coastal features, navigational aides, traffic lanes, fathoms or feet.
Buoys (color, shape, numbering, light)
Kayak Instruction Excellence (KIX)